1. Select the accommodation and dates you require. Please note a two night minimum applies.
2. Please fill out all details through the booking process.
3. When you come to the Checkout page, you will need to add your Credit Card details first (do not select Place Booking button), then select Redeem Gift Voucher.
4. Enter Gift Voucher Code and tick that you understand the Terms & Conditions, then select “Redeem Gift Voucher & Continue”.
5. Please note, we still require a credit card for booking and this is stored securely for the purposes of onsite purchases and/or in the event of damage, per our Terms & Conditions.
6. Your order will be processed the same as a credit card booking, but no money will be deducted unless the Gift Voucher value does not cover the total tariff.
7. You will then receive a confirmation email confirming your booking.
8. Your confirmation email contains all relevant information for your stay.
If you have any queries please contact us via Email.